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Weza Business Tools



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Navigating The Tools: Essential Tips

How to sign up?

In order for you to sign up, you will need to click the sign up button or this link and follow the easy sign up steps by filling your necessary details. After submitting the sign up form, you will need to verify your email address using the email verification link. Once email address is verified, congratulations you have successfully sign up and can start accessing our services

What if I have forgotten my password?

If you have forgotten your password, use the forgotten password link in the login page and fill the easy password reset form. After submitting the form, a password reset link will email emailed to your registered email address

What if I have forgotten my password and no longer have access to my email address?

If you nolonger have access to your registered email address, contact support at support@wezabusinfinity.com

Where to get system training and tutorials

Access training and tutorials on the training and tutorials tab.

For different questions

For a different question and queries, kindly contact support at support@wezabusinfinity.com